Resources Hub

Revenue Attribution – it’s All in The Way That You Sell it

It's just a matter of time before marketing operations and automation professionals get asked by the CMO to create better revenue attribution models and reporting, and start trying to push the..


Agencies Doubling Down On Martech as Demand Grows

The growth of marketing technology (the global market is worth $344.8bn), presents challenges and opportunities for agencies, and we're seeing more of them move into this space, or increasing current..


AntiConLX Global 2021: Meaning, Metrics, and Mojo

Here he is. D.K himself. Giving us a rundown of the three big things that matter: Meaning, metrics, and mojo. Try to ignore the fact that they sound like three members of a 70s punk band. 



How to Build an Email List from Scratch

You've got three twigs, a roll of duct tape, and a handful of pushpins. Now, build your email list. C'mon, you were in the Scouts. You've got five minutes. 


3 Lessons for Creating a More Unified Customer Experience (CX)

We're sharing key lessons from our research into marketer and consumer expectations around customer experience and privacy from our global CX report.


AntiConLX Global 2021: Vodafone's 'Always on' Marketing

There's been an explosion of the digital, which has given consumers so many choices. They now have the flexibility to choose the channel of their, well, choice. They can research at home, or receive..


Five Key Predictions From Forrester for 2022

Yes, it's almost 2022. It's been a couple of years where we've seen a pandemic accelerate existing trends, in terms of the adoption of tech and changes in customer behaviour. 

In its 2022..


How to Drive Successful Demos With Webinars

Running a successful, always-on demo program with webinars can help boost a brand, engage audiences and help organizations identify and qualify leads that are actually a suitable fit for your service.


Martech News: Weekly Round-up 28/10/21

Read all the latest stories in this week's martech news!


B2B Marketing Maturity Study Finds Scope for Improvement

A new report from Integrate into marketing maturity finds plenty of scope for improvement, with just 23% of marketers placing themselves in the top category. 

The Integrate State of Marketing..


What is Madtech, and Why Should I Care?

MadTech is just a bunch of people in an abandoned warehouse, beads and whistles on, music pulsing, dancing round the latest iteration of the iPad. Someone's remixed Alexa. Steve Jobs is there. Wait,..


Why CMOs Need to Close Campaign Gaps

CMOs are reliant on marketing operations and campaign teams to deliver solid campaign results.
