2018 UK Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

(If you're looking for the 2022 version of our martech landscape head here).

For the Martech community, the annual release of the Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic is a huge day in the industry calendar. This hotly anticipated supergraphic is the brain-child of the “godfather of marketing technology” Scott Brinker, with help from Anand Thaker on the data side and Jeff Eckman on the visualisation. 

Now, after months of painstaking research, we are thrilled to announce our very own UK Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

It’s impossible to overstate the success of Scott’s supergraphic. In a great post, 'Let’s Steal From the Marketing Technology Supergraphic', Doug Kessler – (who will be speaking at our Martech Festival) looks at why it's become the single most referenced, cited and cut-and-pasted piece of content in an industry that’s already oversaturated with content about marketing for marketers. At last year’s #MarTechFest, Scott (who will also keynote this year) - opened with a spellbinding talk on the 2017 martech landscape - threw down the gauntlet and challenged the Martech Alliance team to create the UK version. 

UK Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

UK Marketing Technology Landscape 2018

Our research uncovered a total of 414 companies, with over 100 of the companies not featuring in the current global version - no doubt the 2019 landscape will continue growing exponentially. 'Content & Experience' was the dominant category accounting for 27% of all vendors. 'Social & Relationships' and 'Data' followed closely representing 22% and 20% respectively. Download the full high res version & excel master to review this in more detail.

It's interesting to see just how large the UK martech space is (...and no doubt there are other additions we missed). Even with any consolidation (which is debatable), I expect we will see exponential growth for at least the next few years. The need to drive marketing technology transformation has never been greater and no signs of slowing.

We shared the UK Marketing Technology Landscape with Scott Brinker to get his thoughts;

It’s exciting to see so much brilliant martech innovation blossoming in the UK. Carlos and his team did an amazing job researching and charting out the UK ventures in this space. Martech is clearly a global phenomenon, the remaking of marketing in a digital age. All around the world, customers are expecting better experiences from the companies they engage with. This new technology makes that possible. The challenge is for companies to adapt their organizations and business operations to take advantage of these new capabilities. But for those willing to embrace that opportunity, there's never been a better time to work in marketing.

As with Scott’s landscape, this graphic is only an approximation. The main purpose is to start the discussion about UK martech landscape.

  • This graphic is only our approximation of the marketing technology space and we have no doubt missed a vendor or two - apologies in advance. It is intended only to stir discussion. You can add your details to this form to be added to our research spreadsheet for the next edition.
  • We defined any marketing technology company founded or headquartered in the UK as part of the UK Marketing technology landscape.
  • Key sources used in our research to build this graphic: Chiefmartec.com, our open online form for vendors to submit their details, TFM, CabinetM, Google and TrustRadius. 
  • We grant permission to reproduce copies of this graphic in full and “as is” in any slide presentation or website. A back link to this post would be greatly appreciated.

Q&A: UK MarTech Companies 

We also caught up with CEOs/leaders of some fast growing UK MarTech companies to get the highs/lows of their journeys so far, what's in the DNA of a British martech company and what their road maps look like. Full Q&A here: PhraseeCohesion and Turtl.

More martech landscapes?

Below are a range of other localised/category specific marketing technology supergraphics you may also be interested in reviewing. 

Finland's Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

The Finnish version of the marketing technology landscape

Source: avaus

Canada's Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

Canada's answer to the marketing technology landscape

Source: Wriber

China's Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic


Source: Chiefmartec Twitter post

Blockchain Marketing Technology Landscape SupergraphicNSM-Blockchain-Marketing-Tech-Landscape-alone_Sept-2017-final-1024x663

Source: VentureBeat / Never Stop Marketing

German Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic

German Marketing Technology Landscape

Source: Avaus

...Plus the global landscape of course:

Global Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic (2018): Martech 5000 (actually 6,829)marketing_technology_landscape_2018_slide

Source: chiefmartec.com

UK-MarTech-LandScape-SupergraphicGet your high resolution version of the UK Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic here
