We hopped on the coronavirus playlist bandwagon and created our very own quarantunes (very pleased with this pun) playlist.
To create this absolute top tier playlist I asked my friends, family, colleagues and our martech audience to suggest one song, and low and behold we currently have 146 songs. That's a solid 9 hours and 1 minute of pure bangers to get you through the working day.
The playlist takes you through the 5 stages of lock down:
1. Anger
2. Sadness
3. Boredom
4. Copious amounts of alcohol
5. Hope
You can listen to the MarTech Alliance Quarantunes playlist here but below are some of my favourite songs suggested.
'Don't Stand So Close To Me' - The Police
This is the first song on the playlist and one we can all relate to with the 2 meter apart rule.
'Bored In The House' - Tyga, Curtis Roach
With nothing to do but watch TV and drink alcohol many people are currently suffering with severe boredom. Some of my friends have now taken up new hobbies such as painting, colouring in, knitting and becoming Tik Tok stars.
'I Want To Break Free' - Queen
This of course had to make it into the playlist with everyone housebound and only allowed out once a day for one hour of exercise. The cabin fever is real right now.
'Freaking Out' - A R I Z O N A
This is pretty self explanatory because what the f*@k is going on in the world right now.
'Living For The Weekend' - Hard-Fi
The only thing to look forward to is the weekend and those sweet May bank holidays that are creeping up.
'The Moments I'm Missing' - Nina Nesbitt
With all conferences, weddings, festivals, house parties, pubs and summer BBQ's shut down for the foreseeable future, there are going to be plenty of moments we'll all be missing.
'I Need A Dollar' - Aloe Black
With companies being shut down, employees being furloughed and the fact we're about to hit the biggest economic crisis to date. I think we could all use a dollar at this rate.
'NO' - Meghan Trainer
If you are even thinking about going outside to sit in the park, visiting family or friends, or even have the audacity to host a house party just NO.
'I'm Just Snacking' - Gus Dapperton
Anyone else overeating because they're stressed and having nothing else to do? No? Cool, yeah me neither.
'Down With The Sickness' - Disturbed
This one obviously goes out to all bloody brilliant NHS workers who are unfortunately "down (at the hospital) with the sickness" keeping us all safe.
'Hold On' - Wilson Phillips
Come one guys we're nearly through the thick of it so just hold on for one more day... or maybe a few more months...
'I'm Coming Out' - Diana Ross
Just think once this is all over we can go back to our local pub, see our friends and family, sit down at restaurants and go on holiday!