Now that nearly the entire world is on lock down, some of you may be amongst the millions that are having to work from home. A lot of us are new to this work at home gig and some are clearly getting the hang of it while others… not so much.
To give you a laugh during this uncertain time here are some of the best working from home tweets we’ve come across.
1. Animal Co-Workers
for those of you working from home or are in quarantine, and who have pets, tell me what they have been doing most recently but refer to them as your co-worker
— altrey (@aubviouslynot) March 22, 2020
my co-worker won’t stop screaming at me, I know she’s probably still hungry, but I just gave her food
— altrey (@aubviouslynot) March 22, 2020
coworker is a lazy, bug-eyed fiend
— altrey (@aubviouslynot) March 23, 2020
2. Couples who now work from home together
Pro-tip for couples suddenly working from home together: Get yourselves an imaginary coworker to blame things on. In our apartment, Cheryl keeps leaving her dirty water cups all over the place and we really don't know what to do about her.
— Molly Tolsky (@mollytolsky) March 16, 2020
3. The conference call potato
my boss turned herself into a potato on our Microsoft teams meeting and can’t figure out how to turn the setting off, so she was just stuck like this the entire meeting
— Rachele with an e but pronounced Rachel (@PettyClegg) March 30, 2020
4. Accidental zoom bomb
My partner was on a call working from home and I tried to crawl behind her so as not to disturb BUT I DIDNT REALISE YOU COULD SEE THE FLOOR BEHIND HER AND ALL OF HER CO-WORKERS WATCHED ME DRAG MYSELF ALONG THE CARPET
— GRACE (@GraceGarde) March 31, 2020
5. Conference call etiquette
During social distancing, it’s important to remember good conference call etiquette:
— Julieanne Smolinski (@BoobsRadley) March 10, 2020
- awkward silence
- can you hear me
- [weird small talk because someone is 10 min late]
- strange crunch
- heavy breath
- oops sorry you go ahead
- sorry no, you
- BOOP beep
- bye?
6. London morning commute
Everything about this is Oscar-worthy #CoronaLockdown
— Alex Wood (@MrAlexWood) March 28, 2020
7. What we're all wondering
I guess we’re about to find out which meetings could’ve been emails after all...
— Sara Wallace Goodman (@ThatSaraGoodman) March 8, 2020
8. Finishing work to move to the kitchen
Me after working from home headed to happy hour in my kitchen
— HEM (@Bladeweiser) March 16, 2020
9. Dogs being excited that their humans are home 24/7
Dogs bc their owners have to stay home all day
— Kelsey (@notorious_KRG) March 16, 2020
10. A healthy eating schedule is out the window
Day 1 WFH: I am home, I will cook and eat healthy
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) March 12, 2020
Day 4 WFH: Tacos all three meals
11. The guy who made his zoom background him walking in on himself during a conference call
Today I made a Zoom background of myself accidentally walking in on myself in a Zoom meeting.
— Dan Crowd (@itsdancrowd) April 3, 2020