Luma's latest market report, covering Q1 2022, finds that martech M&A continues to grow.
According to Luma, overall deal activity in the martech sector increased on Q4 2021 by 22%, and by 13% year on year.
The volume of scaled deals (those worth more than $100m) was down, with just six compared to at least nine for the previous five quarters.
The $16bn acquisition of data and measurement firm Nielsen by Brookfield was the biggest deal, coming towards the end of the quarter.
Other notable deals in the quarter included Software Acquisition Group's deal for ecommerce platform Nogin and Limelight's acquisition of Content Delivery Network (CDN) Edgecast.
As buyers adjust to the current market conditions, Luma expects a return to more larger scale transactions in the coming quarters, with capbailities around the acquisition, measurement and management of first party data a key area of interest.