Could you imagine anything more glorious than one whole week of rolling right out of bed and flipping open your laptop ready to start the day? Checked the trains are on time? Don’t worry about it. Work shirt clean? Forget about it. Brushed your teeth? Who’s gonna know?
Oh wait.
We’ve been doing this $h!t for SEVEN MONTHS. 192 days and counting… And after the first month or so, let’s be honest the novelty wears off and it ain’t looking so glorious.
It started off both cosy and practical to work in your pjs but with the beauty of a 24 hour outfit comes the dilemma of when to wash… We’ve said good riddance to small talk and casual convos with colleagues we never really liked, but it’s been so long can you even remember how a conversation goes? Your home transforming into your personal office may have felt like you levelled up, but household members never got the memo that YOU’RE TRYING TO WORK IN PEACE.
The pandemic sweeping across the globe has brought with it both concern and controversy, and one of the biggest debates at the moment – is working from home the future?
In honour of National Working from Home Week (next joke) we thought we’d have a little go at playing Devil’s advocate and weigh up the pros and cons of working from home to settle this debate once and for all…
- No more stranger’s sweaty armpit in your face on your daily commute
- Extra time to snooze (or do something productive – there are two kinds of people in this world.)
- You can give your doggo some day-time lovin’
- No more uncomfortable work clothes (at least from the bottom down)
- Eat what you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner when you want (it’s a tuna free for all)
- Pocket that commute cash-money for some outrageously large slippers
- No free office tea and coffee (this may be an additional point for the pros – depending on your office)
- Your WiFi hates you
- You can go days without experiencing day light and fresh air
- Your work voice is exposed for the household to witness
- You’ve genuinely forgotten how to interact in person
- You’re forced to stare in horror at your un-washed face throughout multiple calls a day
Whether you’re loving your new work / life balance or desperate for your routine to make a return, it’s been amazing to see how the evolution of technology has allowed so many people across the globe the opportunity to go about their business as usual working from the comfort of their own homes. To imagine a pandemic with no Slack, no Teams, no Asana and no Zoom (to name just a few) we can only assume would have been a very different story.
We don’t know how long working from home is here to stay, but what we do know is that the digital world will continue to revolutionise the way we work from here on out. Watch this space.