You've seen him on our website, you've seen him on our newsletters, and you've seen him across our socials but now it's time for you to meet Paco the Pug.
When our founder Carlos Doughty started MarTech Alliance, Paco was technically the first employee and has been our mascot ever since but don’t let the cuteness fool you, Paco isn’t to be underestimated.
Effortlessly chill, Paco embodies the playful spirit of MarTech Alliance. He makes sure we keep our heads firmly out of our butts, that we’re always honest, authentic and unpretentious. Basically, we all aspire to be like Paco.
His street style is something that catches everyone’s eye. Paco is never seen without his gold chain, but he does occasionally switch up his headgear for special occasions!
Paco pops up when things are getting overly complicated, to help explain things in simple terms…he loves a party and is always spinning the hip-hop tunes. He loves making a guest appearance at our #MarTechFest events. You’re bound to see him at our upcoming event #MarTechFest Dial Up.
He loves:
- Hip hop
- Trainers
- Pop culture
- 80s/90s throwback
Big no no’s are:
- Buzzword abuse
- Suits
- Boring conferences
He hearts martech (it says so on his hat) and is a founding member of the Alliance.
If we ran an employee of the month, Paco would win every time.