Annette Ochoa, Head of Demand Generation, Lilt. Marketing, Events, Enterprise. Annette is multi-faceted! She's not just a marketing expert, though. Her degree from Santa Clara University, with a degree in Environmental Science, says otherwise! She has volunteered with the National Charity League, and currently acts as a mentor for kids at a local elementary school.
Jobs in Martech are always super layered and complex. Your position is no exception! So to make things a little bit clearer, could you describe your role in five words or less?
Source prospects & operationalize the hand-off
What is your biggest martech/ marketing ops gripe? Don’t hold back!
Keeping data clean is very difficult. It involves every person on Sales + Marketing to be aligned, plus multiple tools. Also, the standard tech stack is not set up for ABM, making Marketing Ops more difficult.
It’s a bit 2008, but do you have a personal mantra?
You win a game with base hits, not grand slams.
Have there been any women along the way, who have helped you out and supported you?
Yes, definitely.
How do you see the martech scene in the Post-Covid days? Apart from everyone going straight to the pub, of course.
The only thing that has really changed is event strategies (and the associated tools) plus direct mail campaigns + tools.
What are your own plans Post-Covid? Are you looking forward to being back out, or are you enjoying the Netflix binges?
Travel internationally!
Do you have any advice for bouncing back from failure or difficulties, especially for young women within the industry?
Shake it off. You're human. We all make mistakes. You have to keep trying until something works. Also, being ultra organized will do you more favors than a high IQ or years of experience. Be organized. Be methodical.
What career advice would you give to your younger self, on how to succeed in marketing and tech?
Keep diving into the deep end. Sometimes you sink, but most the time, you will swim and it will be awesome. Also - content syndication will never convert quickly no matter how many additional steps vendors propose to you. Give it up. Accept that they have to be nurtured.
Who are the professional women that really inspire you?
Bozoma Saint John, CMO at Neflix
What are your plans for the future? By this I mean what are your upcoming projects, and what are you having for dinner?
We are building out a State of Localization report, which is the first of its kind!
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