Andy Caron is Marketo Mad. Revenue Pulse's Head of Martech Consulting has been deeply ingrained in the Marketo community since 2012, and has been at the forefront of its evolution! From marketing, to automation, to public speaking, to training, Andy has the answers. She also volunteers for PAWS, which is (sorry) paw-some.
Jobs in Martech are always super layered and complex. Your position is no exception! So to make things a little bit clearer, could you describe your role in five words or less?
Oversee consultants in Marketo/Bizible
What is your biggest martech/ marketing ops gripe? Don’t hold back!
Tech with no oversight. Companies plug in new tools like they're magic and then don't think about the impact of internal management, integration, and maintenance. Tech isn't magic, and overuse or over-stacking your tech can cause more problems than it solves.
It’s a bit 2008, but do you have a personal mantra?
Don't ask... don't get.
Have there been any women along the way, who have helped you out and supported you?
Absolutely. I had a CMO years ago who showed me what a holistic marketing strategy actually looked like and helped to shape me as a marketer and a leader. I think about her often when I'm digging in on new brands. I've also had a lot of peer support from more women than I can count, and I've prioritized mentoring as well as a way to help others as they rise in my wake.
How do you see the martech scene in the Post-Covid days? Apart from everyone going straight to the pub, of course.
Digital has become the necessary focus, and I expect that a lot of the companies that have boomed during this period may have a mini-crash when the market self-adjusts with the shift.
What are your own plans Post-Covid? Are you looking forward to being back out, or are you enjoying the Netflix binges?
See family/travel and try to find a way to unplug and decompress after such a crazy time.
Do you have any advice for bouncing back from failure or difficulties, especially for young women within the industry?
If you never fail, you never learn anything. I always remind people that if they're not confused by something, it means they're not learning new things, and if they're not failing then they're not pushing themselves.
What career advice would you give to your younger self, on how to succeed in marketing and tech?
Know your worth and don't accept less, or let others set your value for you.
Who are the professional women that really inspire you?
Other than literally every working mom who has survived this period, I'm really inspired by Marissa Mayer. Her transparency around motherhood and the priority it takes in her life and work I think has really helped the effort toward being a whole person, and woman at work.
What are your plans for the future? By this I mean what are your upcoming projects, and what are you having for dinner?
I'm working toward a larger leadership role in my company and I'm planning on making cauliflower gnocchi for dinner.
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