Integrate's CMO on the Launch of their Demand Acceleration Platform (DAP)

Deb Wolf HexagonIntegrate, a leader in B2B Precision Demand Marketing, this week announced its new Demand Acceleration Platform (DAP). So we caught up with their CMO, Deb Wolf to find out a little more.


The changing nature of B2B marketing - and the customer

The buyer has changed, and the marketer must follow. According to Wolf;

We have moved  from marketing driven, to sales driven to buyer driven world" 
Even before Covid, the B2B marketing was shifting, but in the past year customers have rapidly changed how they consume content, how they engage with vendors, and how they research around buying decision making. Buyer's don't know they're in this or that channel. Buyer's journeys must now be orchestrated, so that they have their own pace and process. And Wolf believes Precision Demand Marketing is the solution to thinking horizontally in that buyer journey.


ABM has evolved. Now is the time for for precision demand marketing

First up, what exactly do we mean by precision demand marketing (PDM)?
PDM is a category purpose built to help marketers deploy an omnichannel strategy. Integrate want to enable a way for markers to be able to reach buyers in whatever channel, whatever time, they are at.
Which leads us to ask, will we see a shift into more generalists, and fewer specialists roles? Wolf thinks we will see some change; 
Field marketers [are] taking on more and more of this kind of role where they're orchestrating the relationship within an account with salespeople, to think about how they're actually personalising that experience for that account"

ABM has changed. There are now more buyers involved, more signals, more data - and a new angle to it is needed. Enter precision demand marketing (PDM). PDM enables the flexibility, and adaptability to quickly react to buyers' needs. Plus, there's the promise of less budget waste. Wolf highlights the challenge of an all in ABM strategy;

The worst thing that can happen to a marketer is when a salesperson comes up, he or she has missed a deal, a deal has gone down. They were not included in it."

ABM is sales driven, accounts focused. But if you don't have an account on your specific list, what happens? With taking an all-in ABM strategy, comes the risk of missing a deal. It comes with the risk of missing an entire part of the market that is ready for your company, that you haven't identified yet. 

Enter the Demand Acceleration Platform (DAP). 

Integrate's demand acceleration platform (DAP) released this week brings together five areas of key functionality;  

  • Target: Identify and target the right buyers, accounts, and buying committees with precision using intent data and data intelligence to inform marketing programs.
  • Activate: Configure and activate cross-channel demand campaigns effortlessly to scale demand marketing programs and orchestrate personalized buyer and account experiences.
  • Connect: Connect to an integrated ecosystem of acceleration partners and APIs to amplify reach, boost pipeline generation, and increase conversion opportunities in real time with unparalleled access to thousands of ready buyers.
  • Measure: Gain real-time visibility across all demand channels to understand and optimize program performance, refine account-based tactics, monitor budget, track ROI, and defend marketing spend.
  • Govern: Standardize and validate incoming and outgoing data to increase lead conversion, rejecting unqualified leads while complying with global regulations to ensure all data is properly vetted and consent provided resulting in less budget waste.

As Wolf describes it;

...this provides the ability to get very clear about what you're doing cross channel, more precise and more connected and agile in your ability to go after each of those specific customers. Integrate's Demand Acceleration Platform enables marketers to put buyers and their process at the centre of everything they do."