Imagine a world where you can truly and completely understand your customer... They confide in you, tell you their hopes, their wildest dreams. They whisper to you their deepest secrets under the moonlight. You finish each other’s sentences; consider the idea of matching tattoos but settle on matching keyrings – you know the ones where you put them together and it reads “Best Friends”. You know what they’re about to say before they’ve even said it themselves. You know how to make them smile, make them laugh even, because you know your customer. Better than anyone else in this world…
Okay, so we may have got a tiiiiny bit carried away. You may not be die-hard besties with every one of your customers – maybe you don’t want to be, and that’s okay. But understanding your customer and their behaviours is something that every modern-day marketing team dreams of.
There’s two possible ways you could achieve this dream scenario: 1. Some serious online (and potentially in-person) stalking. Or 2. Unifying and collating your customer data.
If we could offer some friendly advice – go for option 2 (there are less legal fees involved).
Only by fully understanding your customers, their needs, their behaviours, their priorities and what they want from your brand - can you design an amazing customer journey.
This journey will vary from customer to customer, so how do you collate and interpret all the digital footprints to ensure a smooth and insightful customer experience that keeps them coming back for more? A customer data platform (CDP), will collect, connect and organise your data. The tech will enable you to deliver much smarter and richer experiences. But that’s only half the solution. You need to develop a powerful data driven marketing strategy. To audit, map and orchestrate what data you have access to, what it tells you about your audience, and how you can design and activate personalised engaging customer experiences.
Join us for our next WebSesh when Andrew Stephenson, Director of Marketing for EMEA & India at Treasure Data walks us through 5 ways your data will help you deliver an amazing customer experience.