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How Account-Based Marketing Fits Into The Future of Modern Marketing

Written by Terminus | 6 April, 2022

Partner Content


B2B marketing has been transitioning in recent years, evolving from archaic strategies lacking personalization to sophisticated efforts leveraging technology that enables companies to build real and meaningful customer relationships. Enter account-based marketing (ABM) – an approach that aims to achieve maximum revenue generation by targeting the right customers and transforming them into advocates. 

Moving away from the status-quo of marketing and sales teams operating in silos, they must be fully aligned – it’s this sense of unity that is absolutely critical to the success of ABM strategies. Both departments must work closely to market, sell, and retain best-fit customers with the highest value. 

How do they do this? 

Organizations must utilize both current and emerging tools and technologies to target the right accounts and engage with customers in more meaningful and personalized ways. This ‘purpose-driven marketing’ approach changes with time, building excitement among customers who are being targeted with marketing content that aligns with their particular goals. By exploring the array of sophisticated technology solutions available to organizations, and connecting them with their current approaches, sales and marketing teams will create stronger campaigns that can be targeted to “best-fit” accounts to maximize their full value. These integrated tactics will create troves of unique, first-party, intent data...the “good stuff” that is so critical to the success of account-based GTM strategies. 

Moving away from generic, third-party data, sales and marketing teams must not only revolutionize their traditional marketing approaches, but the data they use to support them too – after all, we’re in the twilight of third-party data.

Here’s to the future of modern marketing!