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Why your Social Media Strategy Still Matters this Holiday Season

Written by Holly Ripley | 23 September, 2020

7 months later and the pandemic is still leaving a trail of destruction all across the globe. No business has been left unscathed and the retail industry is no exception. But that’s not stopping APAC shoppers this holiday season.  

New research from Rakuten Advertising reports that 70% of APAC consumers have no plans to let the pandemic stop them from shopping for major holidays such as Christmas and New Year, despite over 40% of global peak season shoppers decreasing their household spend due to COVID-19. 

This research suggests an optimistic opportunity for brands to drive their regular revenue if they are able to adapt their strategies to serve customers in the ‘new normal’.  

According to a survey, 51% of consumers globally said to have made purchases from social media ads in the past two months as the pandemic has moved much of the world online. 

With over 70% of consumers planning to proceed with their holiday shopping digitally this year, and around 50% with plans to spend the same if not more during the peak season sales, it’s time the industry took the digital shift in their stride and focused on optimising a successful social media strategy now to avoid a festive frenzy in the coming months. 

Corroborating research from Rakuten Advertising suggests that sales and discounts will be the most influential factor in driving festive sales globally this year. With this in mind, it’s time for brands to hone in on these insights and weave them into their holiday strategies, whether that be offering cash back incentives, or boosting budgets to promote discounts.  

The pandemic has influenced a shift in customers spending more time in front of small screens, and less time browsing around physical stores, and drastic change doesn’t appear to be on the horizon any time soon.   

It’s been a troubling start to the year 2020 but by focusing more on mobile sales as the calendar year comes to an end, it’s likely that brands will see an optimistic increase in their revenue.  

To join our #MarTechFest Web Sesh on How to Create a Successful Social Media Strategy During a Pandemic you can sign up here. 

You’ll gain insights on APAC consumer sentiments and what you need to know for your social advertising campaigns during one of the busiest times of the year, as well as: 

  • Understand the expectations for brand advertisers from thousands of consumers across Asia and Oceania 
  • Learn how leading advertisers succeed during the busiest time of the year 
  • Find out the why’s and how’s of optimising collaboration between their performance and creative teams to achieve 7X increase in Return-on-Ad-Spend (ROAS) 

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