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Q&A: Andrea Clatworthy from Fujitsu

Written by Sarah O'Neill | 8 March, 2021

Andrea Clatworthy is the Global Head of Account Based Marketing at Fujitsu, and is a black belt in improving business results, M&A internal and external comms and culture and change management. In the past she has been the Marketing manager at not 1, not 2, but 6 separate companies, as well as working in the Business Regulations Team in the Cabinet Office.

Jobs in Martech are always super layered and complex. Your position is no exception! So to make things a little bit clearer, could you describe your role in five words or less?

Enabling ABM everywhere at Fujitsu

What is your biggest martech/ marketing ops gripe? Don’t hold back!

Lack of integration. Speed of deployment not inline with need. And there is so much choice in the market, its hard to select the right tool

It’s a bit 2008, but do you have a personal mantra?

lol, no not really. I guess 'Enabling ABMers to be awesome'

Have there been any women along the way, who have helped you out and supported you?

Isobel Voyles - awesome lady

How do you see the martech scene in the Post-Covid days? Apart from everyone going straight to the pub, of course.

Expecting to see some further consolidation of vendors; Digital is now firmly a thing, so we need to be clever with how we evolve it in terms of customer engagement, and smart with how we use the data we collect

What are your own plans Post-Covid? Are you looking forward to being back out, or are you enjoying the Netflix binges?

Very much looking forward to the pub, seeing family and friends, and generally not being stuck in the house

Do you have any advice for bouncing back from failure or difficulties, especially for young women within the industry?

  • Don't take any set-back personally; 2. Keep a log of successes and great moments and look back on them when a set back happens, and remind yourself how awesome you actually are; 3. Be prepared to fail now and then, and when you do, fail quickly and learn from it

What career advice would you give to your younger self, on how to succeed in marketing and tech?

Be curious, be flexible, be willing to take on new challenges, be brave, be authentically you, share successes

Who are the professional women that really inspire you?

Margaret Thatcher -- not necessarily all her policies, but how she operated. She was determined, she took hard decisions, she stuck to her guns, she worked really hard to transform herself so that she could succeed. And she delivered.

What are your plans for the future? By this I mean what are your upcoming projects, and what are you having for dinner?

I'm doing some (non-work) interior design and a raft of crafting projects, which really relax me and I enjoy immensely! For work its a continuation of ABM Everywhere, with expansion into new geographies and scaling.

No idea what dinner will be yet, but I suspect it will accompanied by a glass or two of something lovely.

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