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Marketing Ops Perspective: Three Steps to Improving Your Content Syndication Efforts in a Precision Demand Marketing World

Written by Integrate | 17 December, 2021

Partner Content

Content syndication is a tried-and-true channel for B2B marketers. But the problem with B2B content syndication today is that many sales and marketing teams either built their content syndication marketing strategies years ago and have failed to update them, or have neglected to invest in the right technology or processes to transform content syndication into a well-oiled machine.

Marketing operations (MOPs) teams are stymied by the poor and inconsistent data quality they get from content syndication campaigns, as well as inefficient manual processes and the lack of comprehensive measurement. Syndicated leads from one-off providers and media partners generally lack systematic data cleansing and standardization. As a result, MOPs teams must manually scrub entire data sets or append lead data for reporting consistency and marketability. And as demand teams add or replace media partners and attempt to scale with additional channels, MOPs teams struggle to show how their efforts are performing, due to dirty data in downstream systems.

Here’s the good news: Content syndication can still be extremely helpful to B2B marketing today. We’re living in a buyer-driven, digital-first, omnichannel Precision Demand Marketing world today and our content syndications strategies need to follow suit. By implementing the right approach and the right technology, MOPs teams can spend less time performing lead processing tasks and more time helping scale the business and measuring marketing’s success.

Here are three ways to improve your content syndication efforts to align with a Precision Demand Marketing approach.

1. Ensure proper data governance.

There are already numerous requirements you need to fulfil to ensure governance and compliance with your data. As more governments pursue regional, country, or state privacy legislation, MOPs teams are under intense pressure to ensure compliance. The wrong decisions can cost companies millions of dollars and a significant amount of customer trust.

It’s time to lower your risk. Start with manual processes. The less automated a content syndication operation is, the more likely people will access and share data through dangerous means (email, downloads, etc.), each its own potential governance issue.

Look for technology with built-in data governance that meets the need for data access while also creating permissions restricting who can access what. This minimizes risk of exposure and policy violations. The right tech validates, standardizes, and routes leads to your specifications, eliminating compliance issues. Most important, it ensures you’re delivering only marketable data. This keeps your database clean and strengthening relationships internally with sales and leadership.

2. Centralize your data.

Disparate content syndication tools and one-off media partners can slow velocity and lead data activation. It can require manual processes for ingesting spreadsheet data, data uploads, data quality assurances, campaign assignment, and follow-up routing. All these inefficiencies can create drag and significantly diminish your ability to grow.

Without high-quality, structured data, you can’t deliver the effective, buyer-centric experience today’s marketplace demands. You need a single place where all the members of your team can interact with publishers and get the data they need in a simple format. By using a single source of data for every customer, insight, and asset, you can create the personalized, omnichannel buyer experiences that reach your targets precisely.

In a world where remote or hybrid work will likely last well beyond the end of the pandemic, centralized data also allows teams to more readily share information and communicate. When everyone has access to the same data in real-time, planning on how to handle high-touch, VIP prospects becomes more seamless, leading to quicker action––critical when the competition is also looking to make a sale.

So, look for technology that centralizes and connects the B2B buying process by bringing together your marketing channels, lead data providers, and the technology required to scale and grow prospect acquisition.

3. Measure with precision.

It’s important for MOPs teams to accurately show and report campaign impact, but too many marketers have tech that isn’t connected. That means leads aren’t validated, standardized, and routed. As a result, MOPs gets bogged down in spreadsheets, manual tabulation, and manual collation, all of which have high probabilities of errors and waste an outsized amount of time.

MOPs leaders know how important it is to directly tie content syndication efforts to actual sales. Look for tools that connect your content syndication dollars to real buyers. This allows you to create streamlined workflows where you can action warm leads immediately. This is even more important if you’re running multiple campaigns at the same time and at risk of leads either getting lost or routed to the wrong sales representative.

Precision Syndication

At the end of the day, an improved, more precise content syndication strategy means better quality leads with less manual work. At Integrate, we are supporting B2B marketers with our Precision Syndication solution that is powered by 100% marketable data through our Demand Acceleration Platform. Precision Syndication centralizes your content syndication programs, campaigns, and media partners into one scalable, cloud platform that accelerates seamless connections between marketers and their buyers. We’re enabling MOPs teams to report with confidence on the impact of content syndication programs and build immediate trust with their buyers and their business.