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How to Thrive in the ‘New Normal’: According to the Hubspot Holy Trio

Written by Holly Ripley | 24 September, 2020

If you weren’t able to catch the Hubspot C-suite's session at INBOUND 2020 this year, don’t worry. We’re here to round it up.

Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah and Christopher O’Donnell, the Hubspot holy trio hit our screens to break down ‘the new normal’ and what that means for us mere marketing technologists.

It’s no secret 2020 hasn’t exactly gone to plan, and no one could have predicted the way the year has played out. According to our Hubspot hot shots, the world is currently facing 3 crisis’ all at the same time:

  • A health crisis
  • An economic crisis, and
  • A conscious crisis

We’ve seen more changes unfold in the world in the past 6 months than we have in the last 16 years. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember taking the ‘What to do if the world faces a global pandemic’ class at school. There’s no playbook on how to proceed, no step-by-step guide to follow. This is new for everyone, and we’re all just trying to work things out on step at a time.

In this new world, the role of technology has changed. Not only are we relying on technology for productivity, but we’re relying on it for human connection too, so it’s important we learn how to adapt and roll with the punches.

In order for a company to not only survive, but thrive in this environment we need to embrace the ‘new normal’ and not run away from it. Halligan, Shah and O’Donnell predict that the future post-pandemic won’t return to reflect 2019, but the behavioural shifts brought about by 2020 are here to stay.

We can see already that some companies have made minimal changes to adapt to our new environment and deny the change rather than diversify. These are the companies destined to struggle to survive. Our Hubspot C-suite tell us that our ‘new normal’ is not a fad. It’s the future.

Great companies recognise that this uncertain time will leave a long-lasting impression, even after the pandemic. They take in it their stride and work towards one simple equation:

Change = Opportunity.

These great companies are built on great people. COVID has enforced a behavioural and cultural shift and it’s vital these behaviours are recognised and relished in order to hang on to the best in the business. Today, your employees are looking for a role with:

  • Flexibility
  • Transparency
  • Diversity

In order to thrive, companies need to step up their culture game to attract and retain great people.

Empathy with customers builds a relationship. We need to recognise that customers are looking at companies with more scrutiny now than ever before. To thrive in the ‘new normal’, companies must increase their efforts to maximise their trust score. Our favourite mathematician, Dharmesh broke down the meaning of trust into another simple equation:

Trust = The probability of good – The probability of evil.

Trust is more important now because it’s scarcer than ever. Therefore, companies should focus on building collective, customer-centric experiences to re-build the relationship.

When we look back on this bizarre time in years to come, we’ll recall not only great change and great challenge, but hopefully a time of great inspiration and great creativity too.